Siitä lähtien kun
olin lukenyt erään artikkelin tästä vegaaniravintolasta, olen halunnut käydä
siellä pitkään aikaan. Valitettavasti en ole vielä ehtinyt käydä siellä, mutta
ekhä joskus ensi kerralla...
Muuten, sen
artikkelin otsikko oli tämä: ”Grilliravintola muutti vegaaniravintolaksi, Kiotossa
sen maine kasvaa nopeasti”. Artikkelin mukaan, se vegaaniravintola oli
alkuperäisesti tosi suosittu grilliravintola, joka on toiminut jo yhdeksän
vuotta. Koska grilliravintola oli niin suosittu, ravintola remointoitiin kaksinkertaiseksi
Ravintola oli samaan aikaan sen omistajan asunto. Uudessa kodissa hän
halusi hankkia koiran, ja kun hän etsii tietoa lemmikista, hän törmäsi
tietoihin, jotka kertovat huonosti kohdistetuista eläimistä.
Sen jälkeen hän ei
pystynyt syömään lihaa, ja pikku hiljaa lopetti myös kalaa, kananmunaa ja
maitotuotteita. Kaikki tapahtui vasta kuukauden jälkeen kun hän avasi uusiksi
remontoidun grilliravintolan. Hän halusi lopettaa grilliravintolan, mutta
hänellä oli paljon velkoja remonnin kustannuksista. Kun hän kertoi vaimolleen
hänen sisäisesta ristiriidasta, vaimo sanoi, ”mikset lopeta grilliravintolaa?”
Sen jälkeen hän opiskeli
ja keräsi paljon tietoa vegaaniravintolan johtamisesta, ja kahen vuoden kulttua,
toisen remonnin jälkeen hän avasi vegaaniravintolan. Siina kahden vuouden
aikana, toinen grilliravintolan yrittäjä yritti ostaa entisen grilliravintolan
huipulla hinnalla, mutta kuitenkin hän ei myynyt.
vegaaniravintolan myynti on laskenut jopa yhteen osaan entisen grilliravintolan
myynnistä verrattuna. Sen lisäksi remonnista tuli taas paljon velkoja. Mutta
nyt hän tekee sitä, mitä hän haluaa. Hän kertoo tuntuvansa paremmalta kuin
Ravintolan tarina
on hieno, ja sen lisäksi ruoat ovat kuulemma todella hyvijä, ainakin kuvista
näkyy tosi herkulliselta. En malta mennä sinne!
(This english version is a quotation from restaurant's blog)
Why did the owner
of a barbecue restaurant become vegan and choose the way of the vegan diet
giving up the very popular barbeque restaurant?
I was the owner of a barbecue restaurant,
and the restaurant was very busy and hard to handle the operation even if I had
15 employees work. I
enlarged the space of the restaurant, bought a house, and everything was going
very well. I felt like I wanted to have a pet, and my eyes stopped at a
certain website when I was searching on internet. It showed pets that
could be purchased like commodity, and besides that there were animals that
were going to be killed. Furthermore, there were more pages showing
terrible situations that I could not help covering my eyes. Those photos
and information overwrapped the image of the pet that I wanted to have, and it
made me impossible to eat meat from the day. And day by day I could not
eat fish, eggs, or dairy products. Thinking if it was right that I had
been doing and eating, I started feeling inconsistency to my work.
Despite the feeling, the sales was going up smoothly.
But somewhere in my heart, “I have to quit,
but I have a family….” I was feeling a lot of conflict to the inconsistency everyday. “If
you really want to quit, you’d better quit,” my wife said. I always
stopped myself saying, “How could we live? We have kids.” “I would
be able to muddle through if just myself, but I have to feed my family.”
More than that, I could not make up my mind to move forward even throwing away
all the things that I had been building up. The more I told myself it
would be enough if my family and I would not eat meat and some lives of animals
and children suffering starvation in the world would be saved, the more I felt
empty, and I felt so much guilt to continue the barbeque restaurant. But
I wanted to be honest to my heart. Then what should I do? What I
can do now is just cooking. Let’s do a vegan restaurant! I closed
the real busy barbeque restaurant for this mission. Someone was kindly offering
to buy it for a high price and I was wondering if I should sell, but I somehow
decided not to and finally was able to open Vegans Cafe and Restaurant.
It took two years to come to this conclusion since I became vegan.
To me, Vegans is one of the methods that
spread out more of the goodness and pleasure of veganism to many more
people. It is not at
all vague, but I would like to make soy meat, which is alternative meat, which
is still expensive at the markets, be distributed regularly, build a factory
that can provide the soy meat for lower costs, hire people, and develop
alternative products and industry that care about nature and animals. I
would like to make these happen. I would like to make the ideal that
everyone is waiting for real and develop business that is peasant warmhearted
and generous. Funds are needed for that. Many a little makes a
mickle. I would like to ask you to give even small help in order to make
the environment better for nature, animals, and us, human beings. The
usage of the money of this fund will be reported on this website. Your
kind support would be highly appreciated.
Please remit to:
Kansai Urban Banking, Fujinomori Branch
Account No.: 759142 (Savings Account)
Account Holder’s
Name: Vegans
4-88 Nishiuracyo Fukakusa
Fushimiku Kyoto-city Japan
Fushimiku Kyoto-city Japan
TEL&FAX 075-643-3922
Closed: 1th of every months, Sunday, irregular holidays
Closed: 1th of every months, Sunday, irregular holidays
Aivan ihana tarina!! Toivottavasti ravintola saa pian paljon uusia asiakkaita! Toivottavasti mahdollisimman monet Japanilaiset (ja muut myös) tajuaisivat, kuinka väärin eläinten huono kohtelu ja syöminen on!
Japanissa monet vegaaniravintolat tarjoavat vegaanisia ruokia ihmisten terveelisestä ja hyvinnoinnista syystä, joten olin iloinen, kun luin, että tämä ravintola on perustettu eläinten suojelemisen takia. Toivon kovasti, että ravintola jatkaa pitkään.